Social Ministries & Outreach
Board of Social Ministries
The primary role of the Board of Social Ministries is to counsel and support existing Shepherd of the Hills ministries, furthering our Mission Statement. It does this by helping develop guidelines and strategies to maintain and or increase funding and to expand the direction and assistance offered by each program. The Board of Social Ministries also actively discusses the needs of our community and assists in creating new programs which address these issues.

3 Squares Backpack Program
The 3 Squares Program fights student hunger by providing 3 square meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and snacks to any student attending public school here in Skamania County. Our volunteers provide meals over weekends and school breaks when free and reduced school meals are not available. As always, 100% of every dollar donated goes towards the purchase of food.

Neighbors in Need, NIN
NIN is a donation-funded social ministry that exists to offer aid to those less fortunate in our community or who may be just passing through. We endeavor to offer a helping hand to lift others up in the difficult times. We work in partnership with many other community agencies to develop a stronger and wider safety net.

Good Spirit in the Gorge
Good Spirit is an outreach ministry seeking to build relationships, advocate for and provide assistance to our Native neighbors who live in any of a dozen fishing villages along the Columbia River. A major focus of this ministry is the opportunity to provide education and enrichment experiences for children and young adults.

Shepherd of the Hills Quilters have been quilting for more than 25 years. The group meets at the church most Tuesdays and originally started with women from the church, but has expanded to include anyone who shares a love of quilting and providing this gift to others. The main purpose is to provide quilts for Lutheran World Relief (LWR), but we also provide quilts within the community. They are gifted to people who have suffered fires, accidents, or illnesses, or who are celebrating an important life event. We have also contributed quilts to Emanuel Hospital Chaplains who are visiting with families mourning a loved one for the comfort they can provide.

Evangelism and Outreach
Oversees membership and community outreach activities such as special services, congregational/guest visitations, and the development and distribution of informational materials. Encourages social awareness through educational opportunities of social concerns in our community and world.

Imagine Team
Prayerfully “imagine” church renewal to help discern the congregation’s purpose, guiding principles, missional plan and identity which allows the church to fully engage in the community and activity participate in God’s mission in the world.

Roger & Joanne Lembrick Peace Park
The idea for a peace park began when our hiking group visited the Grotto in Portland and was inspired by the many peace poles we saw there. We named the park after dear members of our congregation, Roger and Joanne Lembrick, who passed away within weeks of each other in late 2020, and early 2021.
Roger and Joanne traveled throughout the world with unlimited enthusiasm, energy, and vigor and were loved and welcomed wherever they traveled. The peace poles include the native languages of congregational members and incorporate the scope and ethnicity of our outreach around the world.
We hope this park, overlooking the beautiful Columbia River will be a place to rest, pray and dwell on the beauty around us and remember our dear friends. The park is open to all.