Worship is at the heart of our community of faith. We believe that worship gathers us together so that the liberating work of the Spirit can take hold.
God's welcome is risky, life-altering work. In order to live out the call of the Gospel in love we gather to be fed by God's promises, found in Word and Sacrament.
Worship isn't an end in itself, but something that draws us back into community with each hearing. Refreshed and made new, we are sent back into the world for service and love.

Weekly Worship
Join us for in-person worship
every Sunday at 10:30 AM*
OR join us for worship every Sunday at 10:30 AM on our YouTube Live Stream!
We are now live-streaming on YouTube! This is a video-friendly option with superior video and sound quality. Our YouTube channel is located at: https://www.youtube.com/@shepherdofthehills7577
Click on the "Live" tab to see the videos from worship services.
"Upcoming" will appear in a black box for future services, with a
"Notify Me" option to be notified when the live stream begins. A red box with "LIVE" indicates a service happening now.
If you have any questions or need help, please leave a message on the
office phone at 509-427-5972.

Daily Devotions
• Women of the ELCA “Daily Grace”
• Women of the ELCA “Bold Café” (created by and for young adult women)
• Center for Action and Contemplation Subscribe to Fr. Richard Rohr’s daily devotion, in the Franciscan tradition.
• “The Painted Prayerbook” Pastor Jan Richardson’s site